Max money: 42 coins
Transaction confirmation method: Scrypt PoW + PoS
Number of transaction/block confirmation: 7/42
Target spacing: 7 mins PoS, 21 mins PoW
Block reward: 0 PoS, 0 + tx fees PoW
Min/Max stake age: 42 hrs/unlimited
Transaction type: Public & Private
P2P Port: 4242 (port to open)
The List of Available Markets
Blockchain Explorers: CryptoID, Eiquidus
Wallet Generators: 42-address, Walletgenerator.net
Charts & Tools: CoinPaprika, CoinGecko, Сoinmarketcap
Traditional cryptocurrencies are mostly inflationary, with each new coin mined, the others lose their value. 42-coin is equipped with a deflationary architecture to combat the depreciation caused by inflation and create a superb store of value and stability. It is a completely decentralized and community-driven project. There is no dev team holding/allocation - all coins were distributed fairly during the mining stage in 2014-2016. 42-coin delivers a hybrid of Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake transaction confirmation methods and represents a new way of securing the network against 51% attacks.